When it reaches a height of 20 - 30 cm, barley contains the most nutritive resources necessary for the human body. Thus, barley leafs contain vitamins B (B1, B2, B6, and B12), vitamins E and C, a great amount of iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, germanium, zinc, copper, lithium, bioflavonoid, polysaccharides, and polypeptides.The green stem of barley, apart from containing vitamins, minerals and enzymes, also contains natural hormones and chlorophyll. These nutritive substances give barley antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antiviral properties.
Green barley contains the most valuable elements necessary for the human body and it is also a product with excellent therapeutic effects.Barley diet is indicated for eliminating toxins from the body, including the blood, for immune stimulation, cicatrisation and regeneration. Barley helps regulate arterial pressure, eliminates the excess of weight, hydrates the teguments and increases virility. This diet is recommended to be held for a minimum period of 2 weeks. For chronic diseases it can last for a month.
In cases of high fever, barley extract helps reduce the patient's fever. Green barley contains an active proteic enzyme, which has a powerful effect in curing diseases, revitalizing the body and slowing the aging process. This enzyme intervenes in the deactivation of free radicals.
Barley helps improve memory, bringing clarity in thought. Also, it eases stomach pains, heals ulcers, and lessens arthritic pains and inflammations. In obesity it helps eliminate weight excess. Green barley juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, revitalizing the tegument and curing it of its dryness. The plant shows visible results in the fight against collagen and leukemia, also neutralizing the toxic effects of tobacco.
Other diseases in which the treatment with barley is utilized: anorexia, anemia, stomatitis, pancreatitis, miocardic arrest, bronchic asthma, arthritis, and epilepsy. Barley stimulates the drainage and regeneration of the liver, activates the immune system helping in the fight against the hepatic virus.
I can attest to this... my Father after going through painful hospitalization... we dropped taking all the medications and concentrates on him drinking "Green barley"... It was AMAZING!!! He can now sleep not being drowned by the fluid in his lungs! He can sleep lying down now, he used to sleep on a sitting position because he was drowning.... Now, he can already eat well and most of all he walks to the market to buy his own food! Isn't that AMAZING!!! God is doing all these Miracles and "Green Barley" is his channel.